

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》11月6日伦敦报道,总部设在美国的盛禧奧(Trinseo)公司在其日前发布的第三季度管理评论中说,由于供应增加,该公司预计欧洲苯乙烯利润率在第四季度将下降。 在第三季度,苯乙烯利润率在全球范围内得到了由供应中断和物流问题驱动的不断飙升的苯乙烯价格的支持,其中包括飓风哈维对美国墨西哥湾沿岸的影响。 在欧洲,作为数次中断供应的一个结果,苯乙烯在第三季度供应呈现紧张。巴斯夫和壳牌公司的合资企业Ellba在8月份期间出现了几次问题,导致了生产停止以及随后产量减少。 法国石油巨头道达尔公司在法国境内的贡夫勒维尔炼油厂苯乙烯生产装置在8月份也出现了一些问题。 然后在9月份,埃尼集团麾下的全资化工子公司Versali公司在意大利北部城市曼图亚的苯乙烯生产装置开始了计划维修作业,这使得本已紧张的市场状况越发紧张。 然而,由于供应问题得到解决,第四季度初已看到了苯乙烯利润率的下滑。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Trinseo expects decline in European styrene margins in Q4 amid higher supply Trinseo is expecting a decline in European styrene margins in the fourth quarter amid higher supply, the US-based company said in its Q3 management commentary released Thursday.
In Q3 margins were supported globally by soaring styrene prices driven by outages and logistical issues, including the impact of Hurricane Harvey on the US Gulf Coast.
In Europe, supply was tight in Q3 as a result of several outages. BASF and Shell’s joint venture, Ellba, had several issues during August, which led to a halt in production and consequent reduction in production.
Total’s Gonfreville unit in France also experienced issues in August.
Then in September, Versalis’ Mantua unit began planned maintenance works, which contributed to already tight market conditions.
However, the beginning of Q4 saw margins easing as supply issues were resolved.
