

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社伦敦11月6日消息,虽然全球正在迎来电动汽车革命时代,但是壳牌公司正押注沥青和塑料需求的日益增长,以维持未来几十年其已有百年历史的炼油业务。
壳牌公司炼油业务负责人Lori Ryerkerk表示:“未来几十年,炼油业务将继续是我们业务组合的一部分。”
壳牌公司化工业务负责人Graham van’t Hoff表示,公司计划在下一个十年的中期前将化工业务的规模扩大一倍,包括位于路易斯安娜州和宾夕法尼亚州的一些受益于廉价页岩气的新建工厂将陆续投产。
张春晓摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Shell looks beyond road fuels to secure future of refining
While the world braces for the electric-vehicle revolution, Royal Dutch Shell is betting on growing appetite for asphalt and plastics to sustain its century-old oil refining business for the coming decades. Converting crude oil into products ranging from gasoline to industrial chemicals has long faced obstacles due to volatile profits, high costs, safety issues and pollution and more recently, forecasts of peaking demand for oil. But refining, together with trading, marketing and chemicals—known together as downstream—has proved its importance during the oil industry’s downturn since 2014, providing the bulk of Shell’s profits as the price of crude collapsed. Shell has in recent years transformed its downstream business by selling some plants and upgrading others to have them better resist oil price fluctuations and shifts in demand, delivering double-digit returns on capital employed. “Refining will continue to be part of our portfolio for decades to come,” said Shell’s head of manufacturing Lori Ryerkerk, who is in charge of refining. Shell is perhaps the most aggressive in its sector in forecasting that the demand for gasoline could reach an apex by the 2030s as drivers shift to electric vehicles and traditional engines become more efficient. But still, Shell says, the continued expansion of the world’s economy, particularly in Asia, means consumption of other refined oil products and petrochemicals is likely to grow. For instance, there are no economically viable substitutes for asphalt, needed to build roads, or for the polymers and chemicals used to produce plastics for cars, toys and clothes, Ryerkerk said. “While the peak demand for our products will come, it won’t come in decades. ” The Anglo-Dutch company plans to double the size of its chemicals business by the middle of the next decade with several new plants including in Louisiana and Pennsylvania that benefit from access to cheap shale gas, said Shell’s head of chemicals, Graham van’t Hoff.  
