

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯10月27日华盛顿报道,埃克森美孚公司周五(27日)公布的统计数据显示,该公司第三季度液体和天然气日产量攀升到了近388万桶油当量,比去年同期平均每天增加了7万桶油当量。 尽管受到哈维飓风和全球经济增长相对停滞的影响,第三季度液体和天然气产量大幅增加导致了埃克森美孚公司在第三季度获得了39.7亿美元的收益,同比大幅增加了13.2亿美元。 由于埃克森美孚公司关闭了位于贝城、蒙特贝尔维和博蒙特的炼油和石油化工业务,8月25日登陆德州的哈维飓风给埃克森美孚公司第三季度收益造成了大约1.6亿美元的影响。 埃克森美孚公司负责投资者关系的副总裁伍德伯里周五在一次收益电话会上说:“我们迅速采取行动从美国其它地区和国外引进了汽油、柴油和航空煤油来补充我们的生产。”他补充说,该公司上游作业受到哈维飓风的影响最小。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: ExxonMobil’s output climbs as it plans to boost capex in 2018 Exxonmobil’s liquids and natural gas production climbed to nearly 3.88 million b/d of oil equivalent in the third quarter, up nearly 70,000 boe/d from the same quarter last year, the company said Friday.
That climb led the company to earn $3.97 billion in the quarter, up $1.32 billion from Q3 2016, despite the impacts of Hurricane Harvey and relatively stagnant global economic growth.
Harvey, which made landfall in Texas on August 25, had a roughly $160 million impact on Exxon Mobil in Q3 as the company shut down refining and chemical operations in Baytown, Mont Belvieu and Beaumont.
“We acted quickly to bring in gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from other regions in the US and abroad to supplement our production,” said Jeff Woodbury, Exxon Mobil’s vice president of investor relations, during an earnings call Friday, adding that the company’s upstream operations were only minimally impacted by the hurricane.  
