中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯10月27日伦敦报道,由于法国石油巨头道达尔公司周五(27日)公布了比一年前高出29%的收益,在哈维飓风以后油价上涨和炼油利润增加在第三季度给了道达尔公司更多的愉快心情,从而在那些本周公布财报的公司中增加了乐观情绪。 道达尔公司说,在上个季度预测了超过4%的年度增长以后,该公司今年的产量将比去年增加5%,再次确认了该公司上个月在伦敦举行的投资者日会议上发布的产量指导。 分析人士说比其石油巨头同行更好经受了石油市场低迷考验的道达尔公司说,该公司第三季度平均日产258.1万桶油当量,同比增加了6%。 道达尔公司打算在2022年底前把油气产量年增5%。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Total says outlook improved on higher Q3 oil prices, refining margins Higher oil prices and refinery margins in the wake of Hurricane Harvey gave Total much to cheer in the third quarter as the French major on Friday unveiled earnings 29% higher than a year ago, adding to the upbeat sentiment among companies reporting results this week.
Total said its 2017 output would be a 5% rise over last year, reaffirming guidance it issued at its Investors Day in London last month, after having forecast last quarter annual growth of “more than 4%.”
The company, which analysts say has weathered the oil market downturn better than its oil major peers, said it produced 2.581 million b/d of oil equivalent in the quarter, up 6% from the same period last year. It is aiming for 5% annual output growth through 2022.