

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯10月25日里约热内卢报道,巴西国家石油公司(巴西国油)的一名官员周三在里约热内卢表示,巴西国油与其时下正在开发巴西海上大油田利布拉油田的合作伙伴们将在今后的几周里从一口长期测试井中生产出第一批石油。 巴西国油负责这个项目的总经理奥兰多·里贝罗是在出席巴西海上技术会议2017期间对采访他的媒体记者发表上述讲话。他说:“我们将设法尽快完成所有的试油作业来满足这个时间框架,但是,当然这将取决于海底情况以及其它相关问题。” 利布拉油田原预计将在9月底或10月初产出首批石油,但是,将进行试油作业的浮式产油、储油和卸油船上的绞车发生了故障。绞车时下正在修理和测试中,而试油作业应很快开始。 巴西国油拥有利布拉油田的40%股份,其合作伙伴壳牌公司、道达尔公司、中国海洋石油总公司和中国石油天然气集团公司分别拥有20%、20%、10%和10%的股份。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Brazil’s Libra Field to pump first oil in weeks: Petrobras official Petrobras and its partners developing the offshore Libra Field, the first subsalt reservoir sold under Brazil’s production-sharing regime, will pump first oil from a long-term well test within a few weeks, a company official said Wednesday.
“The earliest date would be November 15,” Orlando Ribeiro, a general manager for Petrobras on the project, told reporters on the sidelines of the Brazil Offshore Technology Conference 2017. “We’re going to try to complete all the tests to meet this time frame, but of course that depends on conditions at sea and other relevant issues.”
First oil from Libra had been expected in late September or early October, but a winch aboard the FPSO Pioneiro de Libra floating production, storage and offloading vessel that will conduct the test failed. The winch is being repaired, tested and should be operational soon.
Petrobras holds a 40% operating stake in Libra, while Shell and Total each retain 20% minority stakes. Chinese companies CNOOC and CNPC each own 10% minority shares.  
