

中国石化新闻网讯 据美国彭博新闻社10月14日新加坡和北京报道,俄罗斯在世界最大的能源使用国中国继续领先于其包括沙特阿拉伯在内的石油竞争对手。 根据中国海关总署公布的最新统计数据,中国在9月份从俄罗斯进口了创纪录的635万吨原油,同比猛增了61%。这帮助了俄罗斯连续第7个月成为中国最大的原油供应国。世界最大的原油出口国沙特阿拉伯在9月份向中国供应了428万吨原油,同比增加了大约10%,曾经是中国第2大原油供应国的安哥拉9月份退居第三。 在去年超越沙特之后,俄罗斯有望今年再次成为中国全年最大的原油供应国。 美国彭博新闻社的统计数据显示,俄罗斯今年前9个月向中国运送了4500万吨原油,这是所有供应国中最大的供应量,而安哥拉和美国分别出口了3990万吨和3850万吨原油。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: Russia cements top spot in crude sales to China as Saudis recede Russia continues to pull ahead of its oil rivals including Saudi Arabia in China, the world’s biggest energy user. The Asian nation’s imports of Russian crude jumped 61% to a record 6.35 million metric tons in September from a year earlier, according to General Administration of Customs data. That helped Russia retain the top spot for the seventh straight month. Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest crude exporter, supplied about 10% more at 4.28 million tons, while retreating to the third-biggest. Angola was the No. 2 seller. Russia is on a path to become the top supplier for the full year again, after last year surpassing the Middle Eastern kingdom that has been a dominant supplier for years. Russian shipments during the first nine months were 45 million tons, the biggest volume among suppliers, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Angola shipped 39.9 million tons and Saudis 38.5 million tons.  
