

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站10月22日休斯敦报道,据两名直接知道此事的消息人士所说,国营埃及天然气控股公司时下正在寻求通过招标进口12船明年第一季度交付的液化天然气(LNG)货物。相比较之下,埃及今年计划通过招标或政府对政府合同购买100船LNG货物。 由于非洲最大的天然气市场正对其国内天然气生产复苏的需求进行权衡,因此,贸易商们时下正在密切关注埃及明年将购买多少LNG。 埃及在地中海最大的天然气发现祖尔大气田即将首次生产,这可能导致结束在过去几年里来自嘉能可和托克那样的供应商获得更长周期更大LNG招标。 嘉能可负责LNG业务的主管日前在伦敦向采访他的媒体记者表示,由于埃及的“供应和需求更加平衡”,因此,新招标购买的数量预计将不会像与以前一样的规模。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Egypt Calls for Less LNG in Tender as Domestic Gas Boost Looms State-run Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Co. is seeking 12 LNG cargoes for delivery in the first quarter of 2018 in a tender, according to two people with direct knowledge. That compares with more than 100 cargoes it planned to purchase via tenders or government-to-government contracts for this year. Traders are monitoring how much LNG Egypt will buy next year as Africa’s biggest gas market weighs it needs for imports against a revival in domestic production. The Zohr field, the largest gas discovery in the Mediterranean Sea, is nearing first production, potentially spelling an end to the bigger LNG tenders for longer periods in previous years won by suppliers from Glencore Plc to Trafigura PTE Ltd. The new tender was not expected to be “in the same scale” as previous purchases because Egypt’s “supply and demand is more balanced,” Mark Catton, Glencore’s director of LNG, told reporters Tuesday in London.
