

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡10月23日消息,国际能源署(IEA)周一表示,尽管强劲的需求(尤其是来自于中国的需求)或令市场供应趋紧的时间早于预期,但是受产量大幅增加的影响,全球液化天然气(LNG)市场供应过剩的状态将持续到2020年代。 IEA能源市场和安全主管Keisuke Sadamori表示:“我们将看到大量的新增LNG产能进入市场,因此我们预计全球LNG市场在2020年代中期之前仍将维持供应过剩。” Sadamori周一在新加坡表示:“例如,卡塔尔打算在2024年前将LNG产能增加30%。” 今年7月份,卡塔尔表示,该国计划在未来5-7年内将LNG产能增加30%达到1亿吨/年。 美国的LNG产量也正在大幅增加,这主要得益于近年来页岩气的繁荣发展。 但是Sadamori表示,需求的强劲增长可能抑制供应过剩的恶化,供应过剩已经令亚洲LNG现货价格从2014年2月份达到的20.5美元/百万英热单位的峰值跌至不到10美元/百万英热单位。 他表示:“尤其是中国,我们已经看到中国的LNG进口量同比增速高达40%。因此取决于需求如何发展,全球LNG市场供应趋紧的时间点可能比业内预测的要更早。” 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Global LNG markets to remain oversupplied into 2020s Global liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets will remain oversupplied into the 2020s due to a surge in production, although soaring demand especially from China may tighten the market earlier than expected, the IEA said on Monday. “We will see massive amounts of new LNG capacity coming to the market … so we will probably continue to have well-supplied markets into the middle of the 2020s,” said Keisuke Sadamori, director of energy markets and security at the International Energy Agency (IEA). “The Qataris, for example, are going to increase LNG liquefaction capacity by 30 percent by 2024, which we have not included in our 2017 gas market outlook report,” Sadamori said in Singapore on Monday. Qatar, said in July that it planned to increase its LNG output by 30 percent to 100 MMtpy within the next 5 yr to 7 yr. LNG production in the United States is also soaring, thanks largely to the shale gas boom of recent years. But Sadamori said soaring demand could rein in rampant oversupply, which has pulled Asian spot LNG prices prices from a peak of $20.50 per million British thermal units in February 2014 to below $10 per mmBtu since 2014. “Especially in China, we are already seeing something like 40 percent of year-on-year growth in LNG imports. So depending on how demand develops, the timing that the market becomes tighter could be earlier than originally forecasted by the industry,” he said.  
