

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站10月20日曼谷报道,泰国能源巨头泰国国家石油公司(PTT)麾下的上游公司PTT勘探和生产公司(PTTEP)周四在曼谷宣布,该公司将推迟实施投资加拿大马里亚纳油砂项目的计划。 拥有加拿大马里亚纳油砂项目100%股份的PTTEP说,该公司将推迟作出这个项目的最终投资决定,这将导致5.5亿美元成本损失。这笔费用将在第三季度收益中得到反映。 PTTEP此次推迟是将被推迟的加拿大众多油砂项目中的最新一个项目。由于高启动费用,加拿大油砂项目中的生产商一直在拖延投资。 此举也符合PTT将重点放在中游产能和天然气资产上的战略。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Thailand’s PTTEP Delays Canadian Oil Sands Project At Cost Of $550MM PTT Exploration and Production Pcl (PTTEP), the upstream arm of Thailand’s energy giant PTT Group, said on Thursday that it was delaying plans investment for the Mariana Oil Sands in Canada. PTTEP, which owns 100 percent of the Mariana Oil Sands, is delaying the project’s final investment decision, which will result in an impairment cost of $550 million, the company said. The cost will be reflected in its third-quarter earnings. The delay is the latest project to be postponed in Canada’s oil sands, where producers have been holding off on investments because of high start-up costs. The move is also in line with PTT’s strategy of focusing more on midstream capacity and natural gas assets.
