

伊拉克或将向道达尔、雪佛龙提供有异于壳牌的马季努恩油田开发协议 中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月21日巴格达报道,伊拉克石油部长卢艾比周六表示,该国或将与雪佛龙与道达尔公司签订马季努恩油田开发协议,且协议内容与此前荷兰皇家壳牌公司所签订的有所不同。
10月9日,卢艾比称有多家公司表示有兴趣开发马季努恩油田,其中即包括雪佛龙与道达尔,壳牌公司此前则因不赞同财政条款变动而欲退出油田开发。 詹乐乾 摘译自路透社 原文如下:
Iraq may offer Total, Chevron terms different from Shell for Majnoon field development Iraq may offer Chevron and Total terms to develop the Majnoon oilfield different from those it had given to Royal Dutch Shell, Iraqi Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi said on Saturday.
Iraq will develop the Majnoon oil field in southern Iraqi by its own means until it can find a foreign partner, Luaibi told reporters, adding that no company has been selected yet.
Luaibi said on Oct. 9 that Chevron and Total are among the companies that have expressed interest in developing Majnoon that Shell has said it wants to leave because of unfavourable changes to fiscal terms.
