

据《世界天然气新闻》10月21日维罗纳报道,意大利油气巨头埃尼公司董事长艾玛·玛切嘉利日前在意大利维罗纳市说,埃尼公司渴望与俄罗斯能源巨头俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)加强联系,双方可以在液化天然气(LNG)领域建立合作伙伴关系。 今年5月份,埃尼公司延长了一项与俄油签署的在俄罗斯巴伦支海和黑海进行油气勘探作业的合作协议并考虑与俄油更多的合作机会。 玛切嘉利在维罗纳市举行的一次能源会议上说:“我们正在讨论一系列的合作项目以及正在谈论在LNG领域的可能合作关系。” 最近几年在莫桑比克和埃及发现了大约115万亿立方英尺天然气储量的埃尼公司在今年年初曾说,埃尼公司正在全球范围内寻找开发其LNG业务。 埃尼公司和俄油在黑海和巴伦支海拥有3份许可证。 李峻 编译自 世界天然气新闻 原文如下: Eni looks to strengthen ties with Rosneft; possibly in LNG Italian oil and gas group Eni is keen to strengthen ties with Russia’s Rosneft, and could forge a partnership in the LNG sector, its chairperson said on Thursday. In May this year, Eni extended a cooperation agreement with Rosneft to explore the Russian Barents Sea and the Black Sea, and to consider further opportunities together. “We are discussing a series of projects … and are talking for a possible partnership in LNG,” Emma Marcegaglia said at an energy conference. Eni, which in recent years has uncovered around 115 Tcf of gas in Mozambique and Egypt, said earlier this year it was looking to develop its LNG business worldwide. Eni has three licences with Rosneft in the Black Sea and Barents Sea.  
