

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月18日消息,俄罗斯国家石油公司Rosneft Oil周三表示,公司已经与伊拉克库尔德自治区政府签署了先前宣布的五个生产区块的产量分成合同。 这家俄罗斯国家支持的石油公司表示,公司旗下子公司将拥有这些产量分成合同80%的权益。俄油为这些产量分成合同支付的股权受让和地质信息的费用范围为4000万美元至1.1亿美元,这五个产量分成合同的总支付费用或高达4亿美元。 两家公司已经同意最早在2018年开始进行试开采,2021年将进行全面开发阶段。这五个区块的可开采石油储量估计为6.7亿桶。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Rosneft Signs Production Sharing Agreement for Kurdistan Oil Blocks Rosneft Oil Co. (ROSN.MZ) said Wednesday that it has signed off on its previously announced production sharing agreement with the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq over five production blocks. The Russian state-backed oil company said its subsidiaries will have an 80% share in the production agreements. Rosneft’s payments for the projects’ farm-in and geological information range from $40 million to $110 million, and may total up to $400 million. Of this, up to $200 million could be compensated for with oil produced from the blocks. The two parties have agreed to begin pilot production as early as in 2018, with full-field development planned for 2021. The total recoverable oil reserves in the five blocks are estimated at 670 million barrels.  
