

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月16日消息,汇丰银行分析师们称,壳牌公司表示石化业务将成为公司关键的战略增长业务之一,因为该公司预计2030年前全球石化产品需求将增长50%。与其它一些业务部门不同,近年来壳牌公司旗下的化工业务的利润一直保持稳定,如油气生产业务的利润近年来受油价低迷的影响已经大幅下挫。汇丰银行称,壳牌公司的前景或将在2020年代初得到改善,届时公司将完成位于宾夕法尼亚州的乙烷裂解装置建设。 张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Shell Highlights Petrochemicals As Key Growth Area Royal Dutch Shell Plc says petrochemicals will be one of its key strategic growth priorities, as the company expects global demand in the sector to rise 50% between now and 2030, according to analysts at HSBC. Unlike some divisions, such as Shell’s oil and gas production unit–where earnings fell significantly along with prices in recent years–chemicals profits have held steady in recent years. The outlook for Shell is likely to improve in the early 2020s when the company completes its ethane cracking plant in Pennsylvania, according to HSBC.  
