

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯10月16日消息,南方公司旗下子公司计划将旗下两处天然气公用事业业务作价17亿美元出售给South Jersey工业公司。 Pivotal 公用工程控股公司在周一公布上述交易时称,计划将位于新泽西的Elizabethtown Gas和位于马里兰的Elkton Gas的运营业务出售。南方公司称,预计这桩全现金交易将于第三季度完成。 南方公司首席执行长Thomas Fanning在准备好的讲稿中称,这桩交易将巩固公司的资产负债表。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Southern Sells Two Natural Gas Businesses to South Jersey Industries for $1.7 Billion A Southern Co. subsidiary is planning to sell two of its natural-gas utility businesses to South Jersey Industries Inc. for $1.7 billion. In the deal announced Monday, Pivotal Utility Holdings Inc. is selling the operating divisions of both Elizabethtown Gas in New Jersey and Elkton Gas in Maryland. The all-cash deal is expected to close in the third quarter, Southern said. Southern Chief Executive Thomas Fanning said in prepared remarks the deal will strengthen the company’s balance sheet.  
