

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站10月16日休斯敦报道,总部设在休斯敦的钱尼尔能源合作伙伴公司宣布,该公司与其EPC合作伙伴贝克特尔油气化学制品有限公司10月9日基本竣工了位于路易斯安那州卡梅伦县的萨宾帕斯液化项目的第4条生产线。试运转已经完成,贝克特尔公司已把第4条生产线的护理、监护和控制移交给了钱尼尔能源合作伙伴公司。 根据与盖尔(印度)有限公司签署的一项销售和购买协议,萨宾帕斯液化项目第4条生产线的首次商业交付预计将在2018年3月。 在过去17个月里,钱尼尔能源合作伙伴公司与其EPC合作伙伴贝克特尔油气化学品公司先后宣布了萨宾帕斯液化项目的4条液化生产线的基本竣工。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Cheniere Partners announces Train 4 completion at Sabine Pass project Cheniere Energy, Partners L.P. announced that Substantial Completion of Train 4 of the Sabine Pass liquefaction project in Cameron Parish, Louisiana was achieved on Oct. 9. Commissioning has been completed and Cheniere Partners’ EPC partner Bechtel Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Inc. has turned over care, custody, and control of Train 4 to Cheniere Partners. Under a sale and purchase agreement with GAIL (India) Limited, the date of first commercial delivery for Train 4 of the SPL Project is expected to occur in March 2018. Over the last 17 mos, Cheniere Partners and Bechtel have declared Substantial Completion on four liquefaction trains at Sabine Pass.  
