中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社10月12日基辅报道,乌克兰国营能源公司乌克兰国家石油天然气公司(乌国油/Naftogaz)周四在基辅公布的统计数据显示,乌国油今年前9个月进口了71亿立方米的天然气,比去年同期大幅增加了大约53%。 自从莫斯科在2014年并吞克里米亚以后在2015年11月停止俄罗斯天然气进口以来,以前从俄罗斯进口天然气的乌克兰取而代之一直从欧洲国家购买天然气。 乌国油说,该公司进口的几乎所有天然气来自斯洛伐克。 乌国油说,乌克兰今年前9个月从12个欧洲国家进口天然气,其中包括德国、瑞士、法国、英国、捷克共和国、波兰和意大利。 年产大约200亿立方米天然气的乌克兰2016年消耗了324亿立方米的天然气,其中110亿立方米天然气依赖进口。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Ukraine’s Naftogaz reports 53% rise in Jan–Sept gas imports Naftogaz imported 7.1 Bcm of natural gas imports in the first nine months of this year, by about 53% from a year earlier, Ukraine’s state-run energy firm said on Thursday. Ukraine, which previously imported gas from Russia, has been buying from European states instead since halting Russian imports in November 2015 following Moscow’s 2014 annexation of Crimea. Naftogaz said almost all of its imported gas came from Slovakia. It said it bought gas from 12 European suppliers including Germany, Switzerland, France, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland and Italy. Ukraine, which produces about 20 Bcm of gas per year, consumed 32.4 Bcm in 2016, of which 11.1 Bcm was imported.