中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站10月12日休斯敦报道,法国石油巨头道达尔公司日前与墨西哥的一个服务站所有者集团Gassored达成了一项协议,用道达尔商标重新命名他们在墨西哥城内和周围250个零售店网。 希望利用墨西哥解除其燃料销售和供应市场管制的道达尔公司说,其首个道达尔品牌石油产品零售店将在年底前开业。 道达尔公司说,该公司在2018-2019年期间将在墨西哥境内继续部署石油产品零售店。 道达尔公司自1982年以来一直在墨西哥进行油气勘探和开发作业。道达尔公司在位于墨西哥湾的4个勘探区块中拥有股份,道达尔公司担任其中两个勘探区块的作业者。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Total enters Mexico’s petroleum product retail market Total SA has entered into an agreement with Gasored, a group of service station owners, to rebrand a network of 250 retail outlets in and around Mexico City under the Total brand.
Hoping to capitalize on Mexico’s deregulation of its fuel sales and supply market, Total said its first Total-branded retail outlets will open by yearend. Deployment will continue in 2018-19. Total has been present in Mexico since 1982. Total has interests in four exploration blocks, two of which it operates, in the Gulf of Mexico.