

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻迪拜10月9日消息,周一在迪拜举行的安迅思中东基础油大会上,业内人士表示,海湾合作委员会(GCC)明年1月1日起计划实施的新的增值税(VAT)政策预计对该地区炼油商竞争力的即时影响有限。
然而演讲者们指出,VAT可能影响终端用户的情绪,因为这是一种消费税。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻
原文如下: VAT will not make GCC base oils refiners less competitive – panel The planned implementation of the new value added tax (VAT) in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) from 1 January 2018 is expected to have limited immediate impact on the competitiveness of regional refiners, industry sources said at the ICIS Middle East Base Oils conference in Dubai on Monday. The GCC plans to introduce a VAT of 5%, with the Kingdom of Saud Arabia and the UAE the first two countries to implement the tax. Other GCC member countries will have 12 months after that to introduce the tax. Speakers at a panel forum hosted by ICIS at the Middle East Base Oils Conference said the region’s refiners would not suffer any loss of competitiveness after the VAT is applied given that the VAT would not hit companies’ income levels. The VAT, however, could affect sentiment among end-users given that it is a consumption tax, the speakers noted.  
