中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社利比亚班加西10月9日报道,本周一,一艘燃料油轮停靠在利比亚东部班加西港口,这是自2014年因敌对派系之间的战斗而关闭以来的第一次。 为了缓解利比亚第二大城市的燃油短缺,一艘油轮从首都的黎波里运来了13000吨的汽油。 该港口不出口石油,但进口天然气和一些石油产品用于国内消费,也包括一般货物。 与班加西的机场一样,该港口自2014年以来一直关闭,原因是效忠于东部的指挥官Khalifa Haftar的部队与伊斯兰主义者和其他反对者的联盟之间存在冲突。 Haftar在7月宣布胜利,尽管孤立的冲突仍在继续,班加西机场于7月中旬重新开放。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社 原文如下: First tanker docks at Benghazi port since 2014 closure A fuel tanker docked at Benghazi port in eastern Libya on Monday for the first time since being closed in 2014 due to fighting between rival factions. A tanker arrived from the capital Tripoli carrying 13,000 tonnes of petrol to ease fuel shortages in Libya’s second-largest city. The port does not export oil but imports gas and some petroleum products for domestic consumption as well as general cargo. Like Benghazi’s airport the port had been closed since 2014 because of a conflict between forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar and an alliance of Islamists and other opponents. Haftar declared victory in July though isolated skirmishes have continued. Benghazi airport reopened in mid-July.