

中国石化新闻网讯 据World Natural Gas News网站10月8日新加坡报道,荷兰皇家壳牌公司日前宣布,该公司已经取消了一笔价值9亿美元的旨在把其在泰国气田的股份出售给科威特海外石油勘探公司(KUFPEC)的交易。 壳牌公司和KUFPEC在今年1月份宣布了这笔交易,而这笔交易原预计将在今年第一季度完成。 壳牌公司的一位女发言人在一份电子邮件中表示:“尽管壳牌公司和泰国政府在这一问题上密切合作,但在壳牌公司和KUFPEC商定的时间框架内双方对股权出售交易处理方式的不同解释仍未得到解决。” 这名女发言人说:“因此,双方共同决定终止这笔交易。” 在耗资700亿美元收购了规模较小的英国天然气集团公司以后,这笔交易是壳牌公司减少债务努力的一部分。 李峻 编译自 World Natural Gas News.com 原文如下: Shell cancels sale of Thai gas field stakes to Kuwait’s KUFPEC
World Natural Gas News Royal Dutch Shell said on Wednesday it has cancelled a $900 MM deal to sell its gas field stakes in Thailand to Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC). Shell and KUFPEC announced the deal in January, and it was due to be completed in the first quarter of 2017. “Although Shell and the Thai government have worked together closely and collaboratively on the matter, the different interpretations of the treatment of share sale transactions were not resolved within Shell and KUFPEC’s agreed timeframe,” a Shell spokeswoman said in an email. “Therefore, both parties jointly decided to terminate the transaction,” she said. The sale was part of efforts by the Anglo-Dutch company to reduce debt after buying smaller rival BG Group for $70 B.  
