中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站10月9日新加坡报道,由于市场紧缩,亚洲现货液化天然气(LNG)价格达到了每百万英国热量单位(mmBtu)8.5美元,但是,由于LNG产量增加,市场前景依然疲软。 由于市场在需求旺盛的冬季供暖季节到来之前逐步收紧以及由于中国的消费在其庞大的气化项目中飙升,亚洲的现货LNG价格在10月6日结束的那周里达到了今年1月份以来的最高水平。 在中国庞大的旨在把数百万家庭从煤炭转向天然气供暖计划中不断攀升的需求以及推动LNG成为运输燃料帮助把LNG价格从今年年初的低点推高了55%。 汤森路透Eikon统计数据显示,今年1月至8月,中国的LNG平均月进口量为280万吨,高于去年同期的190万吨以及2015年的160万吨。 李峻 编译自 原文如下: Asian Spot LNG at Highest Level Since January Spot LNG prices hit $8.5/mmBtu as market tightens, but market outlook remains weak due to rising output.
Asian spot prices for liquefied natural gas (LNGLF) (LNG) edged to their highest level since January this week, as the market gradually tightened ahead of the peak-demand winter heating season and as consumption in China soars amid its huge gasification programme. Spot prices Asian LNG rose 10 cents to $8.50 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), their highest since January this year. Climbing Chinese demand amid its huge programme to move millions of households away from coal to gas heating as well as a push for LNG as a transport fuel have helped drive prices 55-percent higher from their 2017 lows. Average January to August 2017 Chinese LNG imports were 2.8 million tonnes, up from 1.9 million tonnes during that period of last year and 1.6 million tonnes for 2015, Thomson Reuters Eikon data showed.