

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月26日新加坡报道,国营伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)的一名高级官员周二在新加坡表示,由于伊朗国内明年预计将有大量的新凝析油分离装置投产,这个中东主要油气生产国明年的超轻质原油的出口可能会下降。 伊朗目前每天生产80多万桶其旗舰南帕尔斯凝析油,而这个日产量在今后的几年里将增加到100万桶。 然而,NIOC负责国际事务的经理赛伊德·霍什罗说,由于新波斯湾Star凝析油精炼联合体的剩余两个凝析油分离装置计划在明年年底前投产,因此,伊朗国内自己超轻质原油需求也将快速增加。 霍什罗说,至到最近,伊朗一直日出口70万桶超轻质原油,但国内明年凝析油日消费量可能达到大约36万桶。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iran’s 2018 condensate exports seen lower as new splitters come online Iran’s ultra-light crude exports could fall next year as the major Middle Eastern oil and gas producer is expected to see a slew of new domestic condensate splitters become operational in 2018, a senior official at state-run National Iranian Oil Company said Tuesday.
Iran currently pumps more than 800,000 b/d of its flagship South Pars condensate and output will rise up to 1 million b/d in the coming years.
However, the country’s own domestic ultra-light crude requirement would also rise rapidly as the remaining two condensate splitters at the new Persian Gulf Star condensate refinery complex are planned to come online by end of next year, said Saeid Khoshrou, director of international affairs at NIOC.
Khoshrou noted that Iran has been exporting as much as 700,000 b/d of ultra-light crude up until recently but domestic consumption next year could reach about 360,000 b/d.  
