

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月26日新加坡报道,全球著名大宗商品交易商托克(Trafigura)的一名高管周二表示,由于勘探支出因石油价格下跌而大幅减少,全球石油日需求量在2019年年底前可能超过全球原油日供应量200万桶至400万桶。 托克的集团市场风险的联合主管本·勒科克周二在新加坡举行的一次行业会议上说:“供应和需求的不匹配是用于发现新油气储量支出的减少以及现有油井,尤其是来自页岩地层的新油井的储量自然会被用完的结果。” 基准布伦特原油价格从2014年6月最高的每桶115.71美元暴跌到了2016年1月份最低点的每桶27.10美元。自那以后,油价反弹到了59美元以上。收入因油价暴跌急剧下降导致了石油公司削减他们的勘探预算。 勒科克指出,作为供应最终将会低于需求的一个原因,2016年的勘探支出从两年前的7000亿美元下降到了大约3000亿美元。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Oil demand may exceed supply by up to 4 MMbpd by 2019 Global oil demand may be between 2 MMbpd to 4 MMbpd more than worldwide crude supply by the end of 2019 as exploration spending has declined as prices fell, an executive with commodities trading house Trafigura said on Tuesday. The mismatch in supply and demand is the result of a decline in spending to find new oil and gas reserves and existing wells, especially new wells from shale formations, are naturally used up, said Ben Luckock, Trafigura’s co-head of group market risk, at an industry conference in Singapore. Benchmark Brent crude oil prices collapsed to as low as $27.10/bbl in January 2016 from as much as $115.71 in June 2014. Prices have rebounded since then to over $59. The steep decline in revenue as prices dropped caused companies to cut their exploration budgets. Luckock pointed to a drop in exploration spending in 2016 to about $300 B from $700 B 2 yr earlier as a reason supply will eventually fall below demand.  
