中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡9月27日消息,印度一位高级炼油官员周三表示,2040年前印度需要将炼油产能扩大一倍才能满足日益增长的燃料需求,因为逐渐扩大的中产阶级将购买更多的乘用车,同时印度经济也正在快速增长。
印度石油公司(IOC)负责业务的执行董事Shrikant Madhav Vaidya表示,到2040年印度炼油能力必须从当前的约2.3亿吨/年提高至4.65亿吨/年,新增炼油能力方面的投资已经在进行。
庞晓华 摘译自 路透社
India needs to double refining capacity by 2040 to meet fuel demand growth
SINGAPORE (Reuters) — India needs to double its refining capacity by 2040 to meet rising fuel demand as an expanding middle class buys more passenger vehicles and its economy grows, a top refinery official said on Wednesday.
India’s refining capacity must increase to 465 MMt by 2040, from about 230 MMt currently, and investments are already being made, said Shrikant Madhav Vaidya, Indian Oil Corp’s executive director of operations.
The major drivers for India’s fuel demand growth will be the continued robust sales of passenger vehicles, substitution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel, growing urbanization and the country’s demand for infrastructure and consumer goods, he told the S&P Global Platts APPEC conference in Singapore.
“It’s a very robust economy which is developing very fast and …oil will continue to be the dominant force of the transportation fuels in the years and decades to come,” said Vaidya from the country’s top refiner.
Transport fuels, which currently make up about 40% of fuel demand in the world’s third-biggest oil consumer, will increase that share to 55% by 2040, becoming the main driver of growth, he added.
“This is the aspirational population we have in India where everyone wants to own a vehicle or own a car,” he said.
In the short term, India’s gasoline demand is expected to continue to grow at about 9% next year, similar to this year’s growth, Vaidya told Reuters on the sidelines of the conference.