

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯坎帕拉9月27日消息,乌干达能源和矿产部长Irene Muloni周三表示,一旦2020年乌干达的Lake Albert油田开始投产,乌干达将寻求加入欧佩克组织。Lake Albert油田位于乌干达与刚果民主共和国西部交界处。
据政府估计,乌干达希望2020年开始从Lake Albert油田生产20万桶/天的原油,2023年达到23万桶/天的稳产期。
庞晓华 摘译自 路透社
Uganda plans to join OPEC after first oil fields flow in 2020: minister
Kampala (Platts)–27 Sep 2017 919 am EDT/1319 GMT Uganda will seek to join OPEC once the East African nation starts pumping crude out from Lake Albert oil fields along the western border with the Democratic Republic of Congo at the end of the decade, Uganda’s energy and minerals minister Irene Muloni said Wednesday.
The Ugandan government took the decision to join OPEC after consultations with other existing member states, including Equatorial Guinea, Muloni told an oil and gas conference in Kampala.
Uganda is hoping to start pumping as much as 200,000 b/d of crude in 2020 from its Lake Albert field, which could peak at 230,000 b/d in 2023, according to government estimates.
