

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社雅加达9月27日报道,周三,布伦特原油价格上涨,接近了前不久创下的26个月新高,原因是土耳其威胁称,它可能削减伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区的原油出口。 布伦特原油11月交货价格上涨21美分,涨幅0.4%,至每桶58.65美元。 周二,该公司股价下跌1%,此前曾达到59.49美元,为2015年7月以来的最高水平,超过了2017年低点的34%。 美国11月交割的原油期货上涨24美分,或0.5%,至52.12美元,在周二触及5个月高位52.43美元后,下跌0.7%。 石油价格一直受到石油输出国组织(OPEC)和其他主要产油国的减产支撑,尽管美国原油价格一直落后于布伦特原油,因为人们担心美国的产量增长可能会导致供应过剩。 蔡小全 编译自 路透社
  原文如下: Brent oil edges up, near 26-month high amid supply concerns JAKARTA – Brent oil prices rose on Wednesday to sit not far off 26-month highs hit in the previous session amid threats from Turkey that it could cut crude exports from Iraq’s Kurdistan region. Brent crude for November delivery was up 21 cents, or 0.4 percent, at $58.65 a barrel by 0240 GMT. It settled down 1 percent on Tuesday, after earlier hitting $59.49, its highest since July 2015 and more than 34 percent above a 2017 low. U.S. crude for November delivery rose 24 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $52.12, having settled down 0.7 percent after hitting a five-month high of $52.43 on Tuesday. Oil prices have been supported by output curbs by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other major producers, although U.S. crude has lagged behind Brent amid concerns that U.S. production-growth could stoke oversupply.
