

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡9月25日消息,印度埃萨石油公司一位高管周一表示,未来四年印度的燃料出口或许减少,因为印度国内成品油需求的增速高于新增炼油能力。
标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯公司在新加坡召开的亚太石油大会上,埃萨石油首席执行长B. Anand表示:“未来3-4年,除了一些现有炼油厂的扩能项目外,印度确实没有其它主要的新建炼油厂项目。”
庞晓华 摘译自 路透社
India’s refining capacity expansions lags growth in fuel demand
SINGAPORE (Reuters) — India may export fewer fuels in the next four years as growth in the demand for oil products is rising faster than new refining to produce them is being added, an Essar Oil company executive said on Monday.
“Over the next three to four years, other than a few brownfield (refinery expansions), we really don’t see any major expansions coming in,” said B. Anand, chief executive officer of Essar Oil told S&P Global Platts APPEC conference in Singapore.
India’s rising disposable income has helped boost its demand for refined fuels, including gasoline, jet fuel and liquid propane gas (LPG), but its capacity to keep up with this demand may be strained in the coming years.
With only about 350,000 bpd of refining capacity being added through new greefield projects over the next four years, India’s dependence on LPG imports may rise while limiting its exports of oil products such as gasoline and diesel so it can cope with its domestic demand, Anand said.
