

中国石化新闻网讯 据Gas Processing News网站9月21日奥斯陆报道,挪威国家石油公司(挪油)周四在奥斯陆说,由于位于爱尔兰的科瑞布气田的计划停产,挪油天然气日产量在9月26日至27日将减少1050万立方米。 挪油说,该公司的天然气日产量在10月份前也将减少900万立方米。 挪油在一份新闻稿中说,导致天然气产量下降的原因是“气田可用性的减少”。 李峻 编译自 Gas Processing News 原文如下: Statoil gas output to be reduced by 10.5 MMcm/day, by 9 MMcm/day by October Statoil’s gas output will be reduced by 10.5 MMcm/day from Sept. 26 at 0400 GMT until Sept. 27 at 0400 GMT due to planned shutdown at the Corrib gas field in Ireland, it said on Thursday. Between Oct. 1 at 0600 CET (0400 GMT) until Oct. 2 at 0600 CET (0400 GMT), it’s gas output will also be reduced by 9 MMcm/day. “Decreased field availability” was the cause of the decrease, the firm said in a message.  
