

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月21日北京/莫斯科报道,中国的炼油企业从明年1月起准备接收通过扩大以后的西伯利亚管道网络运输的更多俄罗斯原油,这很有可能会巩固俄罗斯在与沙特阿拉伯的一场势均力敌的比赛中作为中国最大石油供应国的地位。 俄罗斯最大的石油生产公司俄罗斯石油公司(俄油)说,俄油将根据政府协议在2018年向中国石油天然气股份有限公司(中国石油)供应3000万吨或60万桶/天的ESPO混合原油,比今年增加50%。 俄油在周四(21日)发给路透社的一份声明中表示:“俄油有足够的资源来供应其所有的现有合同,包括明年计划向中国增加1000万吨的供应。” 中国最大的国有石油公司中石油已将中国东北三家炼油厂指定为俄罗斯石油的主要接收方,其中一家炼油厂时下正在进行8.8亿美元的升级改造。 中国石油的一位发言人表示,他对此事没有相关信息。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Russia set to pipe more oil to China, stepping up race with Saudis Chinese oil refineries are gearing up to receive more Russian oil transported through an expanded Siberian pipeline network from January, likely cementing Russia’s position as China’s largest oil supplier in a close race with Saudi Arabia. Russia’s top oil producer Rosneft said it is set to supply under government agreement 30 MMt of ESPO Blend crude to PetroChina in 2018, or 600,000 bpd, an increase of 50% from this year. “Rosneft has enough resources to supply under all its existing contracts, including the planned increase of supplies to China by 10 MMt next year,” Rosneft said in a statement emailed to Reuters on Thursday. Top state oil firm PetroChina has designated three refineries in northeast China as the main receivers of Russian oil, with one of them undergoing an $880 million upgrade. A PetroChina spokesman said he did not have information on the matter.  
