

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月15日胡志明市报道,伊朗阿米尔卡比尔石化公司市场销售经理阿巴西周五在参加越南第17届国际塑料橡胶工业展览会(VietnamPlas)期间对采访他的媒体记者说,伊朗阿米尔卡比尔石化公司打算在2018年每个月向东南亚出口5000吨至8000吨聚乙烯,而越南预计将是主要的目标市场。 阿巴西说:“这是我们第一年参加越南国际塑料橡胶工业展览会。由于包装和电影等级消费在越南与年轻人口增长同步,因此,我们在越南看到了巨大的机会。” 阿巴西补充说,预计在越南将会有良好需求的聚乙烯等级包括通用的重型线性低密度聚乙烯、高密度聚乙烯薄膜和高密度聚乙烯塑胶管等。 阿巴西说:“我们的战略是不通过中间商直接从伊朗向越南贸易商、分销商和终端用户提供大量的聚乙烯。” 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Iran’s AKPC aims to bring polyethylene into Southeast Asia, but challenges remain Iran’s Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company aims to export 5,000-8,000 mt/month of polyethylene to Southeast Asia in 2018, with Vietnam expected to be the main target market, Sales and Marketing Manager Daiko Abbasi said Friday on the sidelines of VietnamPlas 2017.
“This is our first year participating in VietnamPlas. We see great opportunities in Vietnam, as the packaging and film grade consumption is increasing [in line] with its young population,” Abbasi said.
Grades that are expected to see good demand include general purpose and heavy-duty linear low density PE, high density PE film, and HDPE pipe grade, he added.
“Our strategy is to bring large volumes of PE directly from Iran to Vietnamese traders, distributors and end-users, without going through intermediaries,” he said.  
