

中国石化新闻网讯 据MENAFN网站9月17日巴库报道,英国石油公司(BP)首席执行官罗伯特·达德利日前表示,阿塞拜疆迄今已从位于里海的阿泽里——奇拉格——久涅什利(ACG)油气田区块中免费收到了300亿立方米的伴生天然气。 达德利是在巴库举行的签署新ACG合同的仪式上发表上述讲话的。达德利指出,这项在1994年签署的被成为“世纪合同”的协议是这种远见的一个结果。他补充说,来自6个不同国家的11家公司与阿塞拜疆国家石油公司一起在阿塞拜疆能源领域开辟了新的一页。 达德利说,这辉煌的成功是在开发阿塞拜疆海上石油储量以及向全球市场输送所产石油中实现的。合作伙伴们迄今已向ACG项目投资了大约330亿美元并已生产出了32亿桶石油。 李峻 编译自 MENAFN 原文如下: BP: Azerbaijan so far received 30 bcm of associated gas from ACG block Azerbaijan has so far received 30 billion cubic meters of associated gas, free of charge, from the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli (ACG) block of oil and gas fields in the Caspian Sea, BP CEO Robert Warren Dudley said. He made the remarks in Baku at a ceremony to sign a new ACG contract in Baku Sept. 14. The agreement signed in 1994 and deservedly called “the Contract of the Century” is the result of this foresight, he noted, adding that 11 companies from six different countries together with SOCAR opened a new page in Azerbaijan’s energy sphere. He said that brilliant success was achieved in the development of Azerbaijan’s offshore oil reserves and their transportation to global markets. About $33 billion have been so far invested in the ACG project and 3.2 billion barrels of oil have been produced, he noted.  
