

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月15日首尔报道,由于韩国炼油企业纷纷从伊朗抢购价格有竞争力的原油货物,韩国8月份从这个中东国家进口的原油数量比去年同期猛增了40.2%。 韩国海关部门周五公布的统计数据显示,世界第5大原油进口国韩国8月份进口了155万吨或36.5641万桶/天的伊朗原油,比去年同期增加了45万吨。 自从西方国家在伊朗核计划上对伊朗实施的制裁在去年1月份被解除以来,伊朗一直在设法增加原油产量,伊朗打算在5年内把本国原油日产量提高到450万桶。 统计数据还显示,在今年前8个月里,韩国从伊朗进口了1222万吨或36.8529万桶/天的原油,比去年同期的833万吨增加了46.7%。 作为伊朗主要亚洲客户之一的韩国从伊朗主要购买一种也被称为凝析油的超轻质原油来生产更昂贵的燃料如石脑油。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: S.Korea’s Iranian crude oil imports rise around 40% on year in Aug South Korea’s imports of Iranian crude oil increased 40.2% in August from the same month a year earlier, with its refiners snapping up competitively priced cargoes from the Middle Eastern nation. South Korea, the world’s fifth-biggest crude importer, brought in 1.55 MMt of Iranian crude last month, or 365,641 bpd, compared with 1.1 MMt in the same month in 2016, customs data showed on Friday. Iran has been boosting oil production since Western sanctions over its nuclear program were lifted last year, aiming to increase crude output to 4.5 MMbpd within 5 yr. In the first eight months of 2017, South Korea’s oil imports from Iran were 12.22 MMt, or 368,529 bpd, up 46.7% from 8.33 MMt during the same period the year before, the data showed. South Korea, one of Iran’s major Asian clients, mainly purchases an ultra-light oil, also known as condensate, from the country.It uses condensate to produce more expensive fuels like naphtha,  
