

据美国彭博新闻社9月14日新德里报道,由于莫迪总理领导的印度政府寻求遏制不断增加的原油进口,印度将在今年晚些时候举行的新一轮石油拍卖会上对外提供更多的拥有更多油气储量的地区。 印度油气总局石油监管部门主管阿塔努日前在一次采访中说:“印度下一轮拍卖将提供更多更大的探区,参与者可以期待获得更好的油气田。新一轮拍卖的油气储量是我们在首轮拍卖中提供储量数的两倍,这还是一个非常保守的估计。” 印度在去年举行的6年来首次石油拍卖中提供了67个拥有大约6.25亿桶储量的小型油气田,首轮石油拍卖允许制药公司和工程公司等新进入者尝试提高当地产量。印度政府还放宽了有关规定,允许石油和天然气定价自由。 把在2022年前削减10%石油进口量作为目标的莫迪总理还有很多的工作要做。由于印度对能源的需求迅速增长,印度对进口原油的依存度已从五年前的76%增加到了去年的82%。国际能源署(IEA)估计,印度在2040年前将成为全球增长最快的石油消费国。 李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社 原文如下: India Plans Larger Oil Auctions as Modi Pursues Import Cuts India will offer larger areas with higher oil and natural gas reserves in the next auction of discovered fields later this year as Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government seeks to curtail rising crude oil imports. “The next round would be meatier, bigger and players can expect even better fields,” Atanu Chakraborty, head of oil regulator Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, said in an interview. “The reserves are twice of that we offered in the first auction round, on a very conservative estimate.” India last year offered 67 small oil and gas fields holding about 625 million barrels of reserves in its first auction in six years allowing new entrants such as drugmakers and engineering companies to try their hand at boosting local production. The government also relaxed rules by allowing pricing freedom for oil and gas. Modi, who is targeting a 10 percent cut in oil imports by 2022, has a lot of work ahead. A burgeoning appetite for energy has increased India’s import dependence to 82 percent last year from 76 percent five years ago. The International Energy Agency estimates India will be the fastest-growing oil consumer through 2040.  
