

中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社伦敦9月14日报道,国际能源署(IEA)表示,因欧洲和美国的消费量强于预期,全球石油需求将攀升至自2015年以来的最多。 为大多数主要经济体提供能源政策建议的国际能源机构,将2017年需求增长预期上调了10万桶,至每日1.6百万桶,占1.7%。 它表示,全球市场供过于求的重新平衡仍在继续,欧佩克5个月来首次出现供应下降,而发达国家的成品类石油库存则下降至平均水平。 “需求增长继续强于预期,尤其是在欧洲和美国。这家总部位于巴黎的机构在其月度报告中表示。 国际能源署称,上月袭击德州的“哈维”飓风对全球石油市场的影响“可能相对较短”。 在风暴来临之前,当地的库存处于“舒适”的水平,而来自政府储备的释放和来自欧洲的大量进口缓解了任何短缺。 在纽约,油价仍低于50美元/桶,不到三年前的一半,因为欧佩克(OPEC)和其他产油国正努力清除全球石油供应过剩,尽管他们减产了近9个月。 尽管如此,国际能源署的报告显示,生产商在将膨胀的石油库存恢复到典型水平的目标上取得了一些成功。 蔡小全 编译自 世界石油网站 原文如下: IEA sees strongest global oil-demand growth in two years Global oil demand will climb this year by the most since 2015, the IEA said, amid stronger-than-expected consumption in Europe and the U.S. The IEA, which advises most major economies on energy policy, increased its estimate for demand growth in 2017 by 100,000 bpd to 1.6 MMbpd, or 1.7%. The re-balancing of oversupplied world markets is continuing, it said, with OPEC supplies falling for the first time in five months and inventories of refined fuels in developed nations subsiding toward average levels. “Demand growth continues to be stronger than expected, particularly in Europe and the U.S.,” the Paris-based agency said in its monthly report. The impact of Hurricane Harvey, which struck Texas last month, on global oil markets is “likely to be relatively short-lived,” the IEA said. Local stockpiles were at “comfortable” levels before the storm hit, while releases from government reserves and plentiful imports from Europe allayed any shortage. Oil prices remain below $50/bbl in New York, less than half the level traded three years ago, as OPEC and fellow producers struggle to clear a global glut despite cutting their output for almost nine months. Still, the IEA’s report shows producers are having some success in their goal of reducing bloated oil inventories back to typical levels. Ophir Energy PLC (OPHR.LN) reported Thursday a narrowed pretax loss for the first half of 2017. The oil and gas exploration and production company posted a loss of $45.6 million for the half year ended June 30, compared to a loss of $69.6 million in the comparable period of 2016. Revenues were up 69% at $88.3 million. Ophir said revenue from its Keredan field in Thailand was boosted after it was able to secure a higher price per barrel of oil of $50, compared with $34 in the comparable period of 2016.  
