

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社9月12日新德里报道,由于印度全国各地的暴雨减少了灌溉泵的柴油使用以及抑制了对汽车燃料的需求,印度8月份的燃料消耗量下降了6.1%,这是印度燃料消耗量自2003年4月以来的最大降幅。 印度石油和天然气部石油规划和分析小组(PPAC)周二在新德里公布的统计数据显示,8月份,全球第三大石油消费国石油需求代表燃料的消费总量为1575万吨。印度8月份燃料需求连续第三个月下降。 统计数据显示,印度8月份汽油销售量同比下降了0.8%至219万吨,而柴油销售量同比下降了3.7%。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: India’s fuel demand falls the most in over 14 yr India’s fuel consumption fell 6.1% in August, its fastest rate of decline since April 2003, as heavy rainfall across the country cut the use of diesel for irrigation pumps and curbed demand for auto fuels. Consumption of fuel, a proxy for oil demand in the world’s third biggest oil consumer, totaled 15.75 MMt in August, data from the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) of the oil ministry showed on Tuesday.Fuel demand was down for the third straight month in August. Sale of gasoline, or petrol, was 0.8% lower from a year earlier at 2.19 MMt, while that of diesel declined 3.7%.  
