中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月13日消息,国际能源署(IEA)称,8月份俄罗斯原油和凝析油产量降至1091万桶/天,创下过去12个月来最低水平。这也远低于俄罗斯参与欧佩克减产计划中承诺的1160万桶/天的底线。IEA在月度报告中称,8月份俄罗斯石油产量下降主要受北极地区及西伯利亚东部油田生产维护影响。不过8月份俄罗斯产量仍较2016年8月高出20万桶/天。
唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Russian Oil Production Drops in August Russian crude and condensate output fell in August to the lowest level in 12 months, at 10.91 million barrels day, according to the International Energy Agency. That was well below the 11.6 million barrel a day base-line the country agreed to as part of its participation in the output cut deal agreed by the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries. The decline was mainly a result of maintenance at Arctic and Eastern Siberia oil fields, the agency said in its monthly report. However, Russian output was still 200,000 barrels a day higher than during August 2016.