

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月12日伦敦报道,来自荷兰巨型气田格罗宁根大气田的运营商NAM的统计数据显示,格罗宁根大气田8月份天然气产量达到了过去4个月来的新高,但在年度基础上仍保持在较低水平。 统计数据显示,格罗宁根大气田8月份天然气产量环比增加了4%至18亿立方米,这是4月份产气21.2亿立方米以来的最高开采水平,但仍低于去年8月份记录的21.5亿立方米。 格罗宁根大气田2016-2017气年(2016年10月1日至2017年9月30日)的产量配额为240亿立方米,而该气田迄今已产气223.6亿立方米,这意味着NAM本月最多生产16.4亿立方米(日均5500万立方米)天然气就能完成原定产量配额。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下; Dutch Groningen natural gas field production climbs to 1.8 Bcm in August: NAM Natural gas production at the giant Groningen gas field in the Netherlands rose to a four-month high in August, but remained comfortably lower on an annual basis, data from operator NAM showed.
Production at the field rose 4% month on month to 1.8 Bcm in August, the highest extraction level since the 2.12 Bcm from April, but was still lower than the 2.15 Bcm recorded during August 2016.
With the 24 Bcm quota firmly in place for the Gas Year 2016-17 (October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017) and 22.36 Bcm having been produced so far, this leaves NAM with a maximum of 1.64 Bcm able to be produced this month at an average of about 55 million cu m/d.  
