

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站9月11日伦敦报道,英国石油巨头英国石油公司(BP)日前同意在一个与Axion能源公司所有者和泛美能源公司(PAE)合作伙伴布里达斯公司组建的新合资企业中把其在南美洲石油公司PAE中持有的股权与炼油商和燃料零售商Axion能源公司合并。 两家公司说,BP和布里达斯公司——一家中国海洋石油总公司拥有50%股份的阿根廷能源公司——预计将在明年年初完成的一笔无现金交易以后将在新组建的泛美能源集团(PAEG)中持有相等的股权。 两家公司将各有4名董事代表,双方共享高级管理人员的提名权。 这个自筹资金的合资企业将包括PAE每天26.2万桶油当量的产量以及PAE在广受欢迎的瓦卡姆尔塔页岩区的股份。此外,合资企业还包括Axion能源公司在阿根廷具有每天加工9万桶原油能力的炼油厂以及其在阿根廷、乌拉圭和巴拉圭超过755个加油站的网络。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: BP in South American Venture with Bridas British oil major BP (BP) has agreed to merge its interests in South American oil company Pan American Energy (PAE) with refiner and fuel retailer Axion Energy in a new joint venture with Axion’s owner and PAE partner Bridas Corporation.
BP and Bridas, an Argentine energy company 50 percent-owned by China’s CNOOC (CEO), will hold equal stakes in the newly merged Pan American Energy Group (PAEG) after a cash-free deal that is expected to close early next year, the companies said. The two companies will be represented by four board directors each, sharing nomination rights for senior executives. The self-funded joint venture will include PAE’s production of 262,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and its interests in the sought-after Vaca Muerta shale region. It will also contain Axion’s 90,000 barrel per day Campana refinery in Argentina and its network of more than 755 fuel retail sites in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.  
