

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯东京9月11日消息,日本经济产业省(METI)一位官员周一表示,在日本西南部的冲绳原油存储终端接收一艘超级油轮后,沙特阿美当前预计9月13日将全部充填完818万桶的租借原油存储能力。 知情人士告诉标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯,沙特阿美周日晚在位于冲绳的原油存储终端接收到一般满载原油的超级油轮,从周一上午开始进行卸油。 METI官员表示,沙特阿美当前正在向冲绳原油存储终端充填原油,存储量将从先前的629万桶增加至818万桶的最大租借存储能力,此前该终端刚接收到一艘装载有30万千升(189万桶)原油的油轮。 根据沙特阿美和日本国有油气和金属公司(Jogmec)签署的最新协议,沙特阿美可以增加使用Jogmec位于冲绳的三个10万千升的原油储罐用于商业应用。 协议允许沙特阿美可以免费使用冲绳存储空间,作为交换,在紧急情况下,日本对库存中的原油拥有优先使用权。 张春晓 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Saudi Aramco to fill 8.18 mil barrels at Okinawa crude oil storage by Sep 13 Saudi Aramco is now expected to fill its maximum leased crude storage capacity of 8.18 million barrels on September 13 after the receipt of a VLCC at a crude storage terminal at Okinawa in southwestern Japan, a source at the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry said on Monday. Saudi Aramco has received a fully loaded VLCC overnight at a crude storage terminal at Okinawa and is getting its cargo discharged from Monday morning, a source familiar with the matter told S&P Global Platts. Saudi Aramco is filling up Saudi crude to its maximum leased capacity of 8.18 million barrels, up from 6.29 million barrels earlier as it is bringing 300,000 kiloliters, or 1.89 million barrels, on the VLCC, the METI source said. Under the latest agreement between Saudi Aramco and state-owned Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp., Saudi Aramco can use three more 100,000-kl storage tanks at Jogmec’s terminal in Okinawa for commercial use. The agreement allows Saudi Aramco to use the storage capacity at Okinawa free of charge for commercial use in exchange of prioritizing crude supplies to Japan in an emergency.  
