中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月8日东京报道,加拿大艾伯塔省能源部长玛格利特·麦卡博伊德周四在一次采访中表示,北美最大能源基础设施公司金德摩根公司在加拿大的跨山管道扩建项目(Trans Mountain Expansion project)预计将按计划启动并将很有可能打开一个把加拿大西部原油出口到亚洲市场的机会窗口。 据业内消息人士说,加拿大从西海岸到亚洲的原油出口多年来一直微不足道,原因是温哥华无能力装载比阿芙拉型油轮更大的油轮以及对美国以外市场出口的剩余原油产量很有限。 但是,金德摩根公司扩建后的跨山输油管道将把其原油输送能力提高近3倍,这将为增加加拿大原油出口亚洲提供空间,从而使得亚洲买家更容易获得加拿大原油。 麦卡博伊德在东京接受标普全球普氏能源资讯记者采访时说:“我们很高兴金德摩根公司的这条管线可让加拿大西部的原油进入亚洲市场。”麦卡博伊德补充说,虽然这条管道将打开许多可能性,但是加拿大西部原油出口到亚洲的实际增长将取决于“市场力量”。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Canadian crude oil exports to Asia could rise Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Expansion project in Canada is expected to start up as planned and will likely open a window of opportunity to export Western Canadian crude oil into Asian markets, Alberta energy minister Margaret McCuaig-Boyd said in an interview Thursday.
Canada’s crude exports from the west coast to Asia have been negligible for many years because of Vancouver’s inability to load on tankers larger than Aframax, as well as a limited surplus for exports to markets other than the US, according to industry sources.
But Kinder Morgan’s expanded Trans Mountain pipeline, which will boost its capacity nearly threefold, will offer scope to boost Canadian crude exports to Asia, as it would make it relatively easier for Asian buyers to access Canadian crude.
“We are very pleased that Kinder Morgan’s line allows access to Asian markets,” McCuaig-Boyd said in the interview with S&P Global Platts in Tokyo, adding that while the pipeline would open up a lot of possibilities, actual increases in oil exports to Asia would depend on “market forces.”