

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社新加坡9月7日消息,据汤森路透石油研究公司称,8月份欧佩克原油出口量为2519万桶/天,创下自今年4月以来的最低水平。 尽管欧佩克为了缓解石油市场供应过剩和刺激油价承诺在今年1月份至明年3月份期间进行减产,但是今年1-8月份欧佩克平均原油出口量为2505万桶/天,高于去年同期的2485万桶/天。 研究显示,今年7-8月欧佩克原油出口量减少37万桶/天主要是由于委内瑞拉政治和经济危机以及非洲成员国生产中断所导致的。 汤森路透石油研究公司在周三发布的一份报告中称:“欧佩克非洲成员国的原油出口量在今年7月份创下自至少2015年1月以来的最高水平后,8月份出口量大幅减少54万桶/天。” 张春晓 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: OPEC Aug crude oil exports fall Crude oil exports by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in August were 25.19 MMbpd, their lowest level since April, according to Thomson Reuters Oil Research. But average 2017 levels for January–August of 25.05 MMbpd were above average 24.85 MMbpd in the same period a year earlier, despite OPEC’s pledge to hold back supplies between January this year and March 2018 in order to tighten the market and prop up prices. The drop of 370,000 bpd between July and August was largely a result of the political and economic crisis in Venezuela and disruptions in the group’s African members, the research showed. “Crude oil exports from OPEC’s African members tumbled by 540,000 bpd month-on-month to below 5 MMbpd after posting their highest export volumes in July since at least Jan. 2015, thereby breaking a four-month streak of rising exports,” Thomson Reuters Oil Research said in a report published on Wednesday.
