

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新闻新加坡9月7日消息,业内人士周四表示,受供应充裕和下游需求放缓的双重影响,中国低粘度指数的II类基础油价格在8月份上涨3%之后或将趋于稳定。 据安迅思数据显示,9月1日中国东部市场II类N150进口基础油平均价格为7100元/吨(出库价),比8月初的价格上涨了225元/吨,涨幅为3%。 市场人士预计N150基础油价格进一步上涨的空间有限,因为鉴于运输领域需求放慢,下游润滑油生产商的需求仅仅是补充基础油库存。 据中国汽车制造商协会公布的数据显示,今年前七个月,中国乘用车销售量约为1290万辆,增速大幅放缓,同比仅增长1.95%。去年同期,中国乘用车销售量同比劲增11.13%。 中国市场低粘度指数II类基础油需求通常在每年的9-11月份达到峰值,因为下游用户在冬季来临前通常会增加低粘度指数基础油的使用量,同时减少高粘度指数基础油的使用量。 中国国内一主要的润滑油生产商表示:“自9月以来,终端用户的需求并没有如我们预期那样回升,因此尽管基础油库存水平较低,但我们并不急于补充基础油库存。” 同时国内供应的增加也令II类基础油价格受压。业内人士表示,这已经促使一些当地的生产商在9月初将报价下调了100元-200元/吨。 张春晓 摘译自 安迅思新闻 原文如下:
China Group II base oils may halt gains on demand slowdown China’s low-viscosity Group II base oils prices are likely to be stable after posting a 3% gain in August, with the expected slowdown in downstream demand amid ample supply, industry sources said on Thursday. On 1 September, imported materials of Group II N150 base oils were traded at an average yuan (CNY) 7,100/tonne ex-warehouse (EXWH) in east China, up by CNY225/tonne or 3% from early August, according to ICIS data. Market players expected limited room for further price increase in the N150 grade as downstream lubricant producers would only replenish their base oils inventory on a need-to basis in view of slower demand from the transportation sector. In the first seven months of 2017, passenger car sales volume in China grew at a much slower annual pace of 1.95% to around 12.9m, according to data published by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. In the same period last year, the country’s passenger car sales volumes posted an 11.13% growth. Demand for low-viscosity Group II base oils typically peaks in China in September-November, as downstream users have to raise their proportion of low-viscosity grades and cut the use of high-viscosity base oils amid cooler weather. “End-user demand has not picked up as we expected since September, so we are not in a rush to replenish our [base oil] stocks despite low inventory levels,” said a major domestic lubricant maker. Meanwhile, increased domestic supply will also weigh on Group II base oil prices. This has prompted some local producers to adjust down their offers by CNY100-200/tonne at the start of September, industry sources said.  
