中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月5日消息,美国最大炼油厂的运营商Motiva公司称,到本周末该炼油厂的开工率水平或许只恢复到产能的40%。 这座位于得克萨斯州阿瑟港的加工能力为60万桶/日的炼油厂因飓风哈维带来的洪水淹没该区而被迫关闭。该公司周二称,在因洪水关闭六天之后,该炼油厂正在恢复生产的初步阶段。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: Biggest U.S. Refinery May Stay Shut Until Weekend The biggest refinery in the U.S. may only be running at 40% of its operating capacity by the end of this weekend, according to the plant’s owner, Motiva. The 600,000-barrel-a-day fuel-making factory in Port Arthur, Texas, had to shut down as Hurricane Harvey flooded the area. The company gave an update Tuesday that said it was in the initial restart phase, six days after taking the plant down due to massive flooding in the area.