

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENews网站9月6日巴黎报道,根据周三提交的一份法律草案,法国计划在2017年底前通过立法,在2040年前逐步淘汰其本土和海外领地的所有油气勘探和生产,成为第一个这样做的国家。 法国总统马克龙希望到2050年使法国的碳排放保持中立,并计划通过把化石燃料留在地下来遏制导致全球天气变暖原因之一的温室气体排放。 根据周三提交给内阁的法律草案,法国将不再发放勘探许可证,而目前的特许权在2040年淘汰前将逐渐得到限制。 根据法律草案,法国还计划在2040年停止销售汽油和柴油汽车。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: France to End Oil & Gas Production by 2040 France plans to pass legislation by the end of 2017 to phase out all oil and gas exploration and production on its mainland and overseas territories by 2040, becoming the first country to do so, according to a draft bill presented on Wednesday.
President Emmanuel Macron wants to make France carbon neutral by 2050 and plans to curb green house gas emissions by leaving fossil fuels, blamed for contributing to global warming, in the ground. Under the draft bill presented to cabinet on Wednesday, France will no longer issue exploration permits and the extension of current concessions will be gradually limited until they are phased out by 2040 – the same year when France plans to end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles.
