

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》9月3日伦敦报道,英国经济研究和咨询公司Capital Economocs的大宗商品经济学家托马斯·皮尤9月1日对采访他的阿塞拜疆Trend通讯社记者说,欧佩克的减产协议应该延长到2018年年底。 早些时候,沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯曾建议把欧佩克减产协议延长到2018年6月。 皮尤说:“我不认为把它延长到6月就足够了。他们必须将其延长到2018年年底才能做出任何改变。” 皮尤认为,即使延长这一减产协议也可能会鼓励美国页岩油产量进一步增长。 他补充说:“由于像伊拉克那样的国家仍没有遵守减产协议,因此,我也不相信这项减产协议将会得到延长。” 他指出,除非石油生产或炼油厂遭到严重破坏,否则减产协议不太可能对市场产生长期影响。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: OPEC deal needs to be extended by end of 2018-expert OPEC deal to cut oil production should be extended by late 2018, Thomas Pugh, commodities economist at British economic research and consulting company Capital Economics told Trend Sept.1. Earlier, Saudi Arabia and Russia proposed to extend the OPEC deal until June 2018. “I don’t think extending it to June will be enough to do much. They would have to extend it until the end of 2018 in order to make any sort of difference,” said the expert. Pugh believes that even then an extension of the deal could just encourage US shale production to grow by even more. “I’m also not convinced that the deal will be extended as countries like Iraq are still not complying,” he added. He pointed out that it’s unlikely to have a long term effect on the market unless there is significant damage to oil production or refineries.
