中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯8月31日达卡报道,孟加拉国能源部能源和矿产资源局的一名高级官员周四在达卡对标普全球普氏能源资讯记者说,孟加拉国内阁公共采购委员会日前批准了孟加拉国国家石油公司(孟国油)达成的在15年内每年从卡塔尔拉斯拉凡液化天然气(LNG)公司购买250万吨LNG的最初协议。 这名高级官员补充说,周三的批准为不久签署一项最终协议铺平了道路。 这名官员说,LNG的购买价格已确定在布伦特原油3个月平均价格的大约12..5%加0.5%。 这名因没有被授权与媒体交谈而不愿透露姓名的官员说,拉斯拉凡液化天然气公司和孟国油已在7月13日签署了这项备受期待的初步协议。但这名官员表示,在收到内阁委员会的批准之前,法律条法部需要一个半月的时间来审查这项最初协议。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Bangladesh approves Petrobangla’s initial deal to buy 2.5 mil mt/year LNG from RasGas Bangladesh’s Cabinet Committee on Public Purchase has approved state-owned Petrobangla’s initial agreement to buy 2.5 million mt/year of lean LNG from Qatar’s RasGas over 15 years, a senior official at the Energy and Mineral Resources Division under the energy ministry told S&P Global Platts Thursday.
The approval on Wednesday paves the way for a final agreement to be signed soon, he added.
The LNG purchase price has been set at around 12.50% of the three-month average Brent crude prices plus 0.50%, the official said.
RasGas and Petrobangla have signed the much-expected initial agreement on July 13. But it took around one-and-a-half months to get vetting from the law ministry prior to receiving approval from the cabinet committee, said the official preferring anonymity as he was not authorized to talk to media.