

中国石化新闻网讯 据OGJ网站8月31日休斯敦报道,由于热带风暴哈维造成的恶劣天气,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)旗下的沙特炼油公司拥有的一个全资子公司莫蒂瓦企业公司30日暂停了美国最大炼油厂——具有日加工60万桶原油能力的德州亚瑟港炼油厂——的原油加工作业。 莫蒂瓦企业公司在8月31日通过电子邮件向OGJ表示,为了确保其员工及其周边社区的安全,该公司在8月30日当地时间上午5点钟开始对亚瑟港炼油厂实施控制关闭来应对当地不断增加的洪水情况。 莫蒂瓦企业公司表示,亚瑟港炼油厂的重新开工仍取决于该地区的洪水。 莫蒂瓦企业公司拒绝披露任何更多有关这个炼化联合体控制关闭的细节。 李峻 编译自 OGJ 原文如下: Motiva shutters Port Arthur refinery Motiva Enterprises LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Saudi Aramco’s Saudi Refining Inc. (SRI), has suspended processing operations at its 600,000-b/d Port Arthur, Tex., refinery, the largest in the US, amid inclement weather conditions caused by Tropical Storm Harvey.
To ensure the safety of its employees and surrounding community, Motiva began a controlled shutdown of the Port Arthur refinery in response to increasing local flood conditions at 5:00 a.m. local time on Aug. 30, the company told OGJ via e-mail on Aug. 31. Restart of the refinery remains contingent on recession of flood waters in the region, the operator said. Motiva disclosed no further details regarding the controlled shutdown of the complex.
