中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月31日华盛顿报道,美国能源部的一名发言人周四在一份声明中表示,美国能源部将从战略石油储备中释放500万桶原油来应对热带风暴哈维。 根据声明,此次释放的500万桶原油将交付给位于路易斯安那州莱克查尔斯的菲利普斯66炼油厂,后者没有受到迄今已在墨西哥湾沿岸持续了几天的热带风暴哈维的影响。 根据声明,此次释放包括200万桶低硫原油和300万桶含硫原油。20世纪70年代建立的美国战略石油储备目前拥有6.79亿桶石油。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: US Energy Dept releases 500 Mbbls from strategic reserve The US Energy Department will release 500 Mbbls of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to Tropical Storm Harvey, the first emergency release since 2012, a spokeswoman said in a statement on Thursday. The release will be delivered to the Phillips 66 refinery in Lake Charles, Louisiana, according to the statement. That refinery has not been affected by the storm, which has hammered the Gulf Coast for several days. The release includes 200 Mbbls of sweet crude and 300 Mbbls of sour crude oil, according to the statement. The reserve, established in the 1970s, currently contains 679 MMbbls of oil.