中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯8月30日消息,据德国商业银行的分析师们表示,美国墨西哥湾沿岸炼油厂削减原油加工量正引起美国汽油供应的短缺,同时刺激了北美和欧洲的汽油价格上涨。分析师们估计,热带风暴哈维已经导致五分之一的美国炼油产能关闭。分析师们表示,欧洲的汽油价格也在上涨,因为美国或被迫进口更多的汽油。据分析师们表示,周二欧洲汽油裂解价差攀升3美元/桶升至17美元/桶,创下两年来的最高水平。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯 原文如下: US Gasoline Shortage Raises Prices Globally The reduction in crude processing at refineries along the US Gulf Coast is causing a shortage of gasoline in the US, while boosting gasoline prices in both North America and Europe, according to analysts at Commerzbank. The analysts estimate that a fifth of US refining capacity has been shut down due to Tropical Storm Harvey. Gas prices in Europe are also on the rise, the analysts write, because the US may have to import more gas as a result of the storm disruptions. The crack spread for European gasoline climbed by $3 a barrel Tuesday to $17 a barrel, its highest level in two years, according to the analysts.