

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯休斯敦8月28日消息,标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯估计,受飓风哈维的影响,美国逾40%的乙烯产能关停。 基于公司宣布、市场反馈和提交给监管机构的文件数据显示,上周四至周日,美国至少有八家石化工厂和炼油厂的烯烃装置被迫关停,合计乙烯产能近250亿磅/年(1140万吨/年)。 当前美国总的乙烯产能为588亿磅/年(2670万吨/年),另外今年底前美国有一些新的裂解装置将投产。 唐绍红 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: More than 40% of US ethylene capacity taken offline because of Harvey More than 40% of US ethylene capacity was taken offline because of Hurricane Harvey, based on S&P Global Platts estimations. Olefins units at at least eight petrochemical complexes and refineries were taken offline between Thursday and Sunday, based on company announcements, market feedback and filings with state regulators, with a combined ethylene capacity of almost 25 billion lb/year (11.4 million mt/year). Total US ethylene capacity is 58.8 billion lb (26.7 million mt/year), with several new crackers set to come online before the end of 2017.  
